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Rules of the Game

Rules of the Game:

The goal of The Loser Pool is to pick one NFL team to lose each week.  It is quite simple, if your selection for the current week loses their game you advance to the following week to play again.  If your selection for the current week wins their game, you are out of the pool.  Don't worry, there will be another one next year (refer to Mulligan or Do-Over below for exception to this rule). You may only pick a team once per regular season.  For example, if you choose Detroit to lose anytime during the regular season, you may not select them again during the entire regular season.  If you as a pool participant, advance into the post season, your picks will start from scratch.  For example, if you pick New Orleans to lose during the regular season, you may pick them again during the post season.


Entry Fee

$25 one-time buy in.  

Deadline for payment of entry fee is 12pm (noon) on Thursday, September 8th, 2022.  



The Loser Pool 2022 starts on Thursday, September 8th and will continue until only one Loser Pool participant is standing, up to and through post season.

Tie Game

If there is a tie involving the team you selected (not likely, but it does happen) it will be treated as a loss since your team did not win and you will advance to the next week.  If there is more than one person standing at the end of post season, the winnings will be split according to the rules under the heading "The Winners" below.

The Winners

  • If the pool has 9 or less entries the winner takes all (100% of pot)

  • If the pool has 10 to 19 entries there will be a 1st and 2nd place. (1st Place = 70% of pot) (2nd Place = 30% of pot)

  • If the pool has 20 or more entries there will be a 1st place, 2nd place and a 3rd place. (1st Place = 50% of pot) (2nd Place = 30% of pot) (3rd Place = 20% of pot)

  • If there is a tie with 9 or less entries all winners will split the pot evenly

  • If there is a tie for first place with 19 or less entries, all winners will split the pot evenly.

  • If there is a 3 or more way tie for first place with 20 or more entries, all winners will split the pot evenly

  • If there is a 2 way tie for first place with 20 or more entries, the two players tied for first will split the winnings for both first and second place evenly and the 3rd place winner will simply take the 3rd place winnings.

  • If there is a first place winner and a tie for second place with 20 or more entries, the first place winner will take the winnings for first place and the 2 or more tied for second place will split the winnings for second place evenly

  • If there is a 2 way tie for first place and a tie for second place with 20 or more entries, the 2 players tied for first place will split the winnings for first place and second place evenly and the 2 or more players tied for second will split the winnings for third place evenly

The Pot

The pot will include all entry fees collected  and will be posted on this site by kick off of the first game of the season.


Deadline for your weekly loser pick being submitted is at or before 12 noon on the day of the first game of each week.   If you miss the deadline your selection will be made for you by default as explained below.  You will only be allowed to take a default pick once in a season, including post season.  After that, a missed deadline will be treated the same as a bad pick (a win) and you will be eliminated from the pool or will be forced to use your mulligan if you still have one.

Taking a default team

If you missed the weekly pick deadline, or duplicate one of your previous picks, you will be assigned a team by default in the following order.  If choosing number one below results in a duplicate pick for the violator, the default will go to the first option that does not result in a duplication.

  1. Home team of the Monday Night Game of that week (first game if there is two)

  2. Visiting team of the Monday Night Game of that week  (first game if there is two) (if there is only one Monday night game skip 3 & 4)

  3. Home team of the Monday Night Game of that week (second game if there is two)

  4. Visiting team of the Monday Night Game of that week  (second game if there is two)

  5. Alphabetical pick by team (city) name starting with the letter "A" e.g., (1) = Arizona, (2) = Atlanta, (3) = Baltimore, etc.

Make a Pick

To make a pick, click on the Submit Your Pick link at the top or bottom of any page, and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Mulligan (Do-Over)

If you select a team to lose and that team ends up winning, you get one more chance under the mulligan rule.  A mulligan can only be used once including both regular season and into the post season.

Duplicating a pick

If you pick a team more than once in the regular season, you will be forced to take a default pick as explained above.  You will only be allowed to take a default pick once in a season, including post season.  After that, making a duplicate pick during the regular season will be treated the same as a bad pick (a win) and you will be eliminated from the pool or you can use your mulligan if it is still available to use.

Special Circumstances

The Loser Pool commissioner (Scott Gerbasi) has the final decision on all pool matters, including those items not specifically mentioned on this rules page. If you have any questions regarding The Loser Pool rules, please contact the pool commissioner for clarification.


Use of this website and participation in The Loser Pool indicates consent and acknowledgment of this disclaimer. This website is intended for entertainment and amusement only.  The Loser Pool does not recommend, advise or participate in gambling activities. The materials and information provided by the website do not indicate a recommendation to place or accept wagers or bets. 

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